Tanya helps us be ‘laborers,’ people that proactively work on their relationship with Hashem and their own spiritual development. The goal of the Tanya Tools recordings is to facilitate this by focusing on a conceptual point and elaborating on its practical application for our personal growth. Each recording is one minute or less, to give people today, always on the run, a tidbit of a thought, which they can put a lifetime of work into.
For live classes call 563-999-2090 access code # 739136
For playback call 563-999-2099 same access code # 739136
Below is the list of recorded classes that can be accessed anytime by putting in the class’s reference number when prompted. If no number is selected, the default will be the most current class. Whenever a class is recorded twice, listen to the second recording. The first had some technical issue which necessitated it being recorded twice.
RefNo | Date | Class No | Title |
2 | 4/10/16 | 1 | In our space of bitul our g-dly voice is heard |
3 | 4/12/16 | 2 | Make bitul practical |
4 | 4/14/16 | 3 | Fill your head with the thoughts of Hashem’s presence |
5 | 4/17/16 | 4 | You are a benoni. View yourself as such |
6 | 4/19/16 | 5 | I am huge, my powers are truly the powers of Hashem Himself |
7 | 4/21/16 | 6 | Challenges are sign posts of the growth you require |
8 | 4/24/16 | 7 | Innate in me is the ability to give my entire self to Hashem |
9 | 4/26/16 | 8 | Why does it have to be so hard? |
10 | 5/1/16 | 9 | The gain in not viewing myself as a tzadik |
11 | 5/3/16 | 10 | If my worth is determined by people, I am losing my true worth determined by Hashem |
12 | 5/5/16 | 11 | Sometimes there is an advantage in going through a lowering experience |
13 | 5/8/16 | 12 | No matter my actions, my I is always holy |
14 | 5/10/16 | 13 | Every Jew has the innate ability to be altruistic |
15 | 5/12/16 | 14 | I am a walking piece of Hashem’s essence. |
16 | 5/15/16 | 15 | I am G-d’s child |
17 | 5/17/16 | 16 | Am I being led by my mind or heart? |
18 | 5/19/16 | 17 | Think the thoughts that will elicit the specific emotional response |
19 | 5/22/16 | 18 | The more I create true love, the more I desire Hashem |
20 | 5/24/16 | 19 | Fear is a positive and healthy emotion, coming from a negation of self in the presence of Hashem’s greatness |
22 | 5/26/16 | 20 | look at developing an emotional relationship with Hashem as relevant |
23 | 5/29/16 | 21 | There is such an intuitive relationship between a Jew and Torah |
24 | 5/31/16 | 22 | The only food is Torah |
25 | 6/2/16 | 23 | Lishma |
26 | 6/5/16 | 24 | The intense waves of negative emotion are all expressions of the animal at loose. |
27 | 6/7/16 | 25 | Everything is either g-dly or ‘other.’ |
28 | 6/9/16 | 26 | Working with the permissible to serve Hashem |
29 | 6/14/16 | 27 | I energize myself with kedusha. |
30 | 6/16/16 | 28 | “Asur” forbidden is asur – tied – tied to klipa |
31 | 6/17/16 | 28 | “Asur” forbidden is asur – tied – tied to klipa |
32 | 6/19/16 | 29 | I have the ability to keep my indulgences in check |
33 | 6/21/16 | 30 | M joy in serving expresses the depths of my appreciation for the mitzva |
34 | 6/23/16 | 31 | Why do I keep flipflopping? |
35 | 6/26/16 | 32 | Desiring Hashem |
36 | 6/28/16 | 33 | I am responsible for my thoughts |
37 | 6/30/16 | 34 | Live as a benoni |
38 | 6/30/16 | 34 | Live as a benoni |
39 | 7/3/16 | 35 | Shema with love is a powerful tool for the daily battles |
40 | 7/5/16 | 36 | Mind controls heart |
41 | 7/7/16 | 37 | Light dispels darkness |
43 | 7/10/16 | 38 | Accessing chochma of neshama |
44 | 7/12/16 | 39 | Controlling your thoughts |
45 | 7/14/16 | 40 | Hashem helps, turn to Him |
46 | 7/17/16 | 41 | Emes in Avoda |
47 | 7/19/16 | 42 | Changing the energy of your day |
48 | 7/21/16 | 43 | We are the oveid |
49 | 7/24/16 | 44 | Love, our natural state |
50 | 7/26/16 | 45 | Struggle and stretch |
51 | 7/28/16 | 46 | Be what you want to be |
52 | 7/31/16 | 47 | Break your heart |
54 | 8/2/16 | 48 | Hashem, I love You |
55 | 8/4/16 | 49 | Being true to G-d in me |
56 | 8/7/16 | 50 | I can’t escape Hashem within me |
57 | 8/9/16 | 51 | Creation is Divine speech, Hashem revealing Himself to us |
58 | 8/12/16 | 52 | Concealments are Hashem. |
59 | 8/14/16 | 53 | Creation is G-dly speech |
60 | 8/16/16 | 54 | Only Hashem runs the world\ |
61 | 8/18/16 | 55 | My religion is a relationship |
62 | 8/21/16 | 56 | I do care and it is significant |
63 | 8/23/16 | 57 | Hashem’s only child |
64 | 8/25/16 | 58 | Serve with vigor |
65 | 8/28/16 | 59 | G-d is found in joyous, animated vitality |
66 | 8/30/16 | 60 | Remove sadness |
67 | 9/1/16 | 61 | G-d treasures struggles |
68 | 9/4/16 | 62 | Temptation as a sign you are working well |
69 | 9/6/16 | 63 | Disloyal |
70 | 9/8/16 | 64 | Judge favorably |
71 | 9/11/16 | 65 | Mind over heart |
72 | 9/13/16 | 66 | Love every Jew |
73 | 9/15/16 | 67 | Love and compassion |
74 | 9/18/16 | 68 | Loving Jews is the entire Torah |
75 | 9/20/16 | 69 | The preciousness of every soul |
76 | 9/22/16 | 70 | Don’t hate, love |
77 | 9/25/16 | 71 | Ahavas yisroel your gift to Hashem |
78 | 9/27/16 | 72 | Do an act for Hashem |
79 | 9/29/16 | 73 | Moshiach |
80 | 10/6/16 | 74 | The upward movement of life |
83 | 10/9/16 | 75 | Master of the world |
85 | 10/13/16 | 76 | Wings |
86 | 10/18/16 | 77 | For me the world was created |
87 | 10/20/16 | 78 | My treasures |
88 | 10/25/16 | 79 | Compassion |
90 | 10/27/16 | 80 | Exercising compassion |
RefNo | Date | Class No | Title |
92 | 10/30/16 | 81 | Accept G-d’s Oneness |
93 | 11/1/16 | 82 | Shema |
94 | 11/3/16 | 83 | Torah |
95 | 11/6/16 | 84 | G-dly sacrifice |
96 | 11/8/16 | 85 | Ignite your fire |
99 | 11/10/16 | 86 | Energize the world |
100 | 11/13/16 | 87 | The power of learning |
101 | 11/15/16 | 88 | Selfless service |
102 | 11/17/16 | 89 | Temptations |
103 | 11/20/16 | 90 | Do your part and trust G-d |
106 | 11/22/16 | 91 | All existence is G-d |
109 | 11/24/16 | 92 | It’s all Him |
114 | 11/27/16 | 93 | Desires |
120 | 11/29/16 | 94 | Love of G-d |
122 | 12/1/16 | 95 | Fear |
124 | 12/4/16 | 96 | Selfless action selfless love |
125 | 12/6/16 | 97 | Torah |
126 | 12/8/16 | 98 | Fear G-d |
127 | 12/11/16 | 99 | Torah and G-d |
128 | 12/13/16 | 100 | Giving G-d the animal |
130 | 12/15/16 | 101 | Mind/heart |
137 | 12/19/16 | 102 | Charity: G-d’s home |
143 | 12/20/16 | 103 | Things or G-d |
146 | 12/22/16 | 104 | Hosting G-d |
148 | 12/25/16 | 105 | Loving G-d like Moses |
149 | 12/27/16 | 106 | Buried treasures |
150 | 12/29/16 | 107 | G-d, the source of life |
151 | 1/1/17 | 108 | Thirsty |
153 | 1/3/17 | 109 | Prayer |
156 | 1/5/17 | 110 | Yhe meaningful gift |
158 | 1/8/17 | 111 | Torah energy |
159 | 1/10/17 | 112 | Daas integration |
160 | 1/11/17 | 113 | Fear |
161 | 1/12/17 | 114 | Capture the moment |
164 | 1/16/17 | 115 | Abnegation and actions |
165 | 1/17/2017 | 116 | G-d in creation |
167 | 1/18/2017 | 117 | Vast and constricted |
168 | 1/19/17 | 118 | G-d in existence |
169 | 1/22/17 | 119 | Hugs and kisses |
170 | 1/24/17 | 120 | Be one with G-d |
173 | 1/25/17 | 121 | Practical commandments |
175 | 1/29/17 | 122 | Thought, speech, and deed expressing G-d’s will |
176 | 1/31/17 | 123 | All for the sake of the Jew |
177 | 2/1/17 | 124 | Envision |
178 | 2/2/2017 | 125 | To be a benoni |
184 | 2/5/17 | 126 | Get moving |
185 | 2/7/17 | 127 | The saint of Tanya |
187 | 2/8/17 | 128 | Repentance rewrites history |
188 | 2/9/17 | 129 | Joy |
190 | 2/12/17 | 130 | Cling to the saint |
191 | 2/15/17 | 131 | The lowest soul and the highest, all one |
192 | 2/15/17 | 132 | Training the racehorse |
195 | 2/16/17 | 133 | Learn! |
196 | 2/19/17 | 134 | Thought within thought |
197 | 2/21/17 | 135 | Uproot negative emotions |
203 | 2/22/17 | 136 | Supplant positive emotions |
204 | 2/23/17 | 137 | The magnet of G-ds presence |
205 | 2/26/17 | 138 | The power of soul |
210 | 2/28/17 | 139 | Repentence |
211 | 3/2/17 | 140 | The animal soul, G-d’s loyal servant |
213 | 3/3/17 | 141 | The animal soul, my friend |
216 | 3/5/17 | 142 | Everyone is challenged |
217 | 3/7/17 | 143 | Not the process, the product |
218 | 3/8/17 | 144 | Mind control |
224 | 3/10/17 | 145 | We can actualize mind control |
225 | 3/12/17 | 146 | Limitless belief |
229 | 3/14/17 | 147 | One with G-d |
232 | 3/15/17 | 148 | I am your G-d |
233 | 3/16/17 | 149 | Words |
235 | 3/19/17 | 150 | Emotion is embedded in all our thoughts of G-d |
237 | 3/21/17 | 151 | Commandments, G-ds innermost desire |
238 | 3/22/17 | 152 | Shema, daily self-sacrifice for G-d |
242 | 3/23/17 | 153 | Unholy holy thoughts |
244 | 3/26/17 | 154 | Disloyal to the relationship |
245 | 3/28/17 | 155 | G-d is found where there is joy |
247 | 3/29/17 | 156 | crush evil with its source |
248 | 3/30/17 | 157 | compassion |
249 | 4/2/17 | 158 | joy in G-ds joy |
RefNo | Date | Class No | Title |
251 | 4/4/2017 | 159 | action – chap 35 |
252 | 4/6/2017 | 160 | action expressing G-d’s will through our bodies – chap 35 |
253 | 4/7/2017 | 161 | refining the animal – chap 35 |
254 | 4/9/2017 | 162 | energy – chap 36 |
256 | 4/12/2017 | 163 | to elevate, kosher all the way through – chap 36 |
258 | 4/13/2017 | 164 | the rock and the man – chap 38 |
259 | 4/18/2017 | 165 | get in touch with yourself –chap 38 |
264 | 4/19/2017 | 166 | a divine hug – chap 45 |
266 | 4/20/2017 | 167 | compassion – chap 45 |
267 | 4/23/2017 | 168 | leave Egypt – chap 47 |
269 | 4/25/2017 | 169 | daily movement – chap 47 |
270 | 4/26/2017 | 170 | to leave Egypt – chap 47 |
272 | 4/27/2017 | 171 | thirsty – chap 50 |
274 | 5/1/2017 | 172 | super soul – chap 1 |
275 | 5/2/2017 | 173 | a piece of G-d – chap 1 |
278 | 5/3/2017 | 174 | an embodiment of G-d –chap 2 |
280 | 5/4/2017 | 175 | think and feel – chap 3 |
283 | 5/8/2017 | 176 | spy out soul – chap 4 |
286 | 5/9/2017 | 177 | if G-d says no… - chap 6 |
288 | 5/10/2017 | 178 | pleasure – chap 9 |
289 | 5/12/2017 | 179 | banishing evil – chap 10 |
292 | 5/14/2017 | 180 | me, the saint – chap 10 |
293 | 5/16/2017 | 181 | ‘wicked’ – chap 11 |
296 | 5/17/2017 | 182 | efforts - chap 15 |
297 | 5/18/2017 | 183 | working for passion – chap 15 |
303 | 5/21/2017 | 184 | I love G-d – chap 18 |
305 | 5/23/2017 | 185 | G-d is all; all is G-d – chap 20 |
309 | 5/24/2017 | 186 | words, G-d and me – chap 21 |
312 | 5/26/2017 | 187 | perception reality – chap 21 |
313 | 5/28/2017 | 188 | insubstantial darkness – chap 21 |
317 | 6/1/2017 | 189 | cleansing – chap 24 |
319 | 6/4/2017 | 190 | indulgence – chap 25 |
320 | 6/6/2017 | 191 | pleasures – chap 27 |
323 | 6/7/2017 | 192 | crush evil – chap 27 |
324 | 6/8/2017 | 193 | G-d’s gift – chap 27 |
327 | 6/11/2017 | 194 | overcoming temptations - chap 27 |
331 | 6/14/2017 | 195 | become holy – chap 27 |
332 | 6/14/2017 | 196 | a gift to G-d – chap 27 |
333 | 6/15/2017 | 197 | a more precious gift – chap 27 |
334 | 6/18/2017 | 198 | every situation can be a gift to G-d – chap 27 |
338 | 6/20/2017 | 199 | trust G-d – chap 28 |
339 | 6/21/2017 | 200 | struggling – chap 28 |
342 | 6/22/2017 | 201 | 2 souls – chap 28 |
343 | 6/25/2017 | 202 | Torah and a coarsened heart – chapter 29 |
352 | 6/27/2017 | 203 | to pray for real – chap 30 |
355 | 6/28/2017 | 204 | struggles – chap 30 |
356 | 6/29/2017 | 205 | the all watching eye – chap 30 |
358 | 7/2/2017 | 206 | restoring my soul – chap 31 |
359 | 7/4/2017 | 207 | don’t judge – chap 30 |
360 | 7/6/2017 | 208 | intention in prayer – chap 30 |
362 | 7/6/2017 | 209 | fear G-d – chap 30 |
363 | 7/9/2017 | 210 | lowly – chap 30 |
365 | 7/11/2017 | 211 | fulfilling the purposes of Torah – chap 32 |
368 | 7/13/2017 | 212 | to love as myself – chap 32 |
370 | 7/13/2017 | 213 | the obligation to rebuke – chap 32 |
371 | 7/16/2017 | 214 | the soul of my commandment – chap 38 |
374 | 7/19/2017 | 215 | G-d’s very Self – chap 38 |
376 | 7/19/2017 | 216 | wings – chap 40 |
381 | 7/21/2017 | 217 | intent – chap 40 |
387 | 7/23/2017 | 218 | love G-d – chap 44 |
388 | 7/26/2017 | 219 | free G-d – chap 45 |
390 | 7/26/2017 | 220 | a kiss – chap 45 |
391 | 7/27/2017 | 221 | compassion – chap 45 |
392 | 7/30/2017 | 222 | G-d’s torment – chap 45 |