Malka Reyna Albukerk, class 2012
Malka Reyna Albukerk fiddling on a roof in Crown Heights. Aside from being a violinist, Malka Reyna is a special ed teacher, writer, activist, editor, violinist, photographer, blogger, and volunteer at Tzivos Hashem Crafts Workshop, an organization that provides classes to Jewish children. Malka Reyna feels that creative expressions of her soul bring her closer to God and to Judaism.
- Author at I love Torah and Chassidus
- Editor at Chitas Farbrengen
- Studied Jewish studies at Beis Chana Milano
- Founder & Director at Shiru LaHashem
- Musician at Music by Malka Reyna
Chaya Rochel (Karp) Estrin, class 2001
Chaya Rochel and her husbAlumni Chaya Rochel Karp Estrin 1and have been on shlichus at the University of Washington in Seattle for 12 years, kah. She is the mother of 6 children.
Esti (Estreicher) Loeub, class 2002
Esti (Estreicher) Loeub graduated from High School in 2002. She continued her education at Ohel Chana Girls Seminary in Melbourne, Australia. She currently lives with her husband and two children in Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada) where they have a Chabad house for the students of the University of British Columbia.
Shainy (Kalmanson) Levin, class 2002
Shainy (Kalmanson) Levin lives in Postville, Iowa where her husband is a mashpia of the local Lubavitch Yeshiva. She is the mother of seven, ke’h, ranging in age from two to ten-year-old twins (see picture) to a seven-month old baby. Shainy is very busy raising her family and running Nishei Chabad of Postville, both for the local Lubavitchers and reaching out to the other Chassidishe and Israeli women in the community as well.
Tzippy (Kulek) Fuss, class 2001
Tzippy (Kulek) Fuss and her husband Rabbi Shmuel Fuss are on shlichus in Riverside, CA together with their 5 sons. Tzippy loves learning and teaching. She homeschools her children, directs a Hebrew school and teaches a women’s class. She also mentors her community, inspiring them to come closer to Hashem and yiddishkeit.
Hadas (Horowitz) Tewel, class 2008
Hadas lives in Crown Heights, NY with her husband Shimon and kids. She is enjoying full-time mommying and helping her husband with PR for his Music Business / One man band: and Hadas was teaching plus helping out at Machon Chana / Layahadus before she had her baby. Also, she has been arranging the parenting classes and Farbrengens for young mothers in Crown Heights.
Batshevah (Abramov) Reznik, class 2000
Batshevah Reznik is married and lives with her husband and four beautiful children in Toronto, Canada. From her own experience as well as from other mothers she realized that it would be really great to have a nourishing massage after caring children all day long. It would rejuvenate a tired back. Batshevah received support and encouragement from many people to learn and become a chair massage practitioner. She gives relaxing, stress-relieving massages on a special chair. She goes to her clients’ homes and makes them feel better!